Thesis I: The fourfold punishment of sin.
Thesis II: Τιμωρία/chastening.
Explanation: 1. Sorts of divine chastisements. 2. Of what sort the death of the pious. 3. The afflictions of the same are not satisfactory punishments.
Thesis III: Δοκιμασία/trial.
Thesis IV: Μαρτύριον/martyrdom.
Explanation: 1. The language of punishment is ambiguous. 2. Consolations are to be set in opposition to afflictions.
Thesis V: Penal satisfaction.
Explanation: 1. Christ’s penal satisfaction, λύτρον. 2. Reprobates will furnish satisfaction for themselves forever. 3. A distinction of afflictions.
Westminster Confession of Faith 6:6. Every sin, both original and actual, being a transgression of the righteous law of God, and contrary thereunto,1 doth, in its own nature, bring guilt upon the sinner,2 whereby he is bound over to the wrath of God,3 and curse of the law,4 and so made subject to death,5 with all miseries spiritual,6 temporal,7 and eternal.8
1 1 John 3:4.
2 Rom. 2:15; Rom. 3:9,19.
3 Eph. 2:3.
4 Gal. 3:10.
5 Rom. 6:23.
6 Eph. 4:18.
7 Rom. 8:20; Lam. 3:39.
8 Matt. 25:41; 2 Thess. 1:9.
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