Thesis I: In the one, altogether simple essence of God are distinct persons.
Explanation: 1. The unity of God is proven from Scripture, reason*, and the consent of the Heathen. An objection is resolved. 2. It is proven, that in the one, altogether simple essence of GOD there are multiple persons.
Thesis II: A divine person is defined.
Explanation: 1. The familiar definition of person is set forth. 2. The difference between a divine person and the divine essence. 3. * Another difference: Communion and distinction of the Persons. The signification of the term ὑπόστασις/hypostasis. A divine person is not only a τρόπος ὑπάρξεως, mode of subsistence. The opinion of Graver concerning the difference of the divine persons from each other is refuted.
Thesis III: There are three divine Persons of the Deity.
Explanation: 1. The distinction of the divine persons is by their intrinsic relations, concerning which a few question from the doctrine of the Scholastics are briefly touched upon. 2. It is proven that there are three persons in the Godhead. 3. The objections of the Arians, Samosatenians, Sabellians, and Photinians, against the plurality of persons are resolved. 4. The arguments of the Tritheists against the unity of the divine essence are resolved.
Thesis IV: GOD the Father is described.
Explanation: 1. It is proven that there is a person of the Deity that is the Father, and is thus called, because He begat the Son. 2. * The name of Father is taken in multiple ways. 3. The personal properties of the Father. 4. In what respect the Father is called the first person of the Deity. 5. The argument of heretics against divine generation are resolved.
Thesis V: GOD the Son is described.
Explanation: 1. The personal property of the Son. 2. It is proven, that the Son of GOD is true and eternal God. 3. The arguments against the Deity of the Son of God are resolved. 4. It is proven that the Son of God is ὁμοούσιον/ homoousios, of one substance, with the Father. Objections against this are resolved. 5. It is proven that the Son is personally distinct from the Father. * The opinion of the Ancient Rabbis concerning the Son of God.
Thesis VI: GOD the Holy Spirit is described.
Explanation: 1. * Why the third person in particular is called Spirit: the names of the same. 2. The personal property of the Holy Spirit. 3. It is proven that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. It is proven that the Holy Spirit is true and eternal God. 4. It is proven that the Holy Spirit is ὁμοούσιον/ homoousios, of one substance, with God the Father and the Son. 5. It is proven that the Holy Spirit is a person, or ὑφιστάμενον/subsistence. 6. It is proven that the Holy Spirit is a person distinct from the Father and the Son. An objection is resolved. 7. Arguments against the Deity and Personality of the Spirit are resolved.
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